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Monday, February 25, 2008

Burn Out

The past week has been a very very hectic one for is the week to follow...paper presentations,project work,robotics preparation etc etc...I am feeling completely exhausted with all this..interesting stuff to work with ,but still am exhausted...
Went to college today after a week and felt as if i belong to a different planet...burnt out to the extent that when I was asked to fill out a few slam books I was absolutely short of words..i feel a flow when i start writing usually ,,but this time it was a complete block....could not even think of a coherent para...hav got excuse to fill those next week..
Starting to Saastra Univ in a few minutes..gotto participate in paper der and shuttle to NIT Trichy to participate in paper and robotics...a win atleast would boost up this tired soul...

1 comment:

Radha said...

All the very best.. :) keep rockin