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Monday, May 19, 2008

Social spark-igniting the bloggers

Blogging is a passion for many people like me.Passions feed your mind but empty your pockets.This was true ..i mean it ' was ' true.Not anymore.With the advent of ventures like SocialSpark blogging is fast becoming a hobby that can earn you money as well.
SocialSpark, a very innovative and revolutionary venture by IZEA is one big thing that is going to rock the blogger world.When I first signed up to Social Spark the name pretty much sounded like a social networking site for bloggers.I was wrong.This is not just a social networking site.Social Spark I regard as a combination of a bloggers network,social netwoking site,a place where you can advertise your blog ,earn money for your posts etc.The code of ethics speaks for itself.
-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly
No other site can offer you a variety of opportunities like what social spark does,ranging from $1 to well over amounts you can never imagine claiming from other sites.There is a very cool feature of adding yourself to a queue when requesting a opportunity in case if the slots are full.There are features like forums,adding friends,creating communities,nomination for BCA etc creating your own opportunities etc.Come on and be a part of the revolution.
I actually thought that this was an yet another humbug site that tends to capitalize on the greed for money of the people and makes them lose their passion for blogging.But Social Spark has those ingredients to keep the passion for blogging alive too.There are features like blog sponsorship where an advertiser of the relevant blog category actually sponsors the blog for a few days and you get paid accordingly.Also there is this exciting Spark feature for the hardcore blog enthusiasts who can create opportunities for themselves and others as well.This offers blog you back options where if you take up a spark opportunity the blogger who created it makes a post about your blog in his page.This is a very unique way of increasing traffic ,making your blog famous and at the same time keeping the passion for blogging intact .Good things seldom occur in bundles.But social spark has this time.All features like getting paid for your posts,getting your blog sponsored,generating traffic and getting new ideas to blog upon are all here.Also there is an attractive feature of social networking where you can develop friendship with fellow bloggers all around the world.This is a one stop site for all bloggers ,be it first timers of professionals.
Sponsored by SocialSpark

1 comment:

earthlingorgeous said...

Hi Arvind,

Welcome to Social Spark.

How have you been by the way? How was your school exams?

Anyway, I am here to tag you it's about the Myers-Brigg test. It's a real good test and very useful for you too so you can assess which career be good for you after you graduate. It's on my Earthly Explorations blog. Hope you take the test so we can get to know you more better.

Have a great week ahead.