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Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The four years of college life in my case has been a very different experience.I cannot remember one single stretch of 6 days when i had attended my college.Its always 2-3 days per week and the rest of the week im on OD visiting other colleges for either dumbc,papers,projects,quiz,sports etc with my team.
Having visited numerous colleges so far here I am rating those colleges I have been to under
certain categories.The first of this series would be "PRIZE MONEY"

The rating is as follows:
1)IIT Madras
2)SRM Deemed University(We walk out with atleast 5k everytime we go der)
3)SASTRA Deemed(Refer my post on Daksh)
4)Aalim Mohamed Salegh
5)Vel Multi media((Their princi gave 1000 even to a gal who drew kolams)
6)Adi Parasakhti
7)Raja Lakshmi Engineering College

Cannot add oders here coz in all oder colls like St Josephs ,Crescent ,SVCE,Velammal etc etc the prize amout is pretty much the same.

1 comment:

Vidhya said...

hi there, why don't you write ratings for arts and science college too if you have idea.